Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dipendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev

Dipendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev (27 June 1971 – 4 June 2001) was a member of the Nepalese Royal Family, who briefly reigned in a coma as King of Nepal from the 1st of June to the 4th of June, 2001. The official report submitted by the investigation team formed by the local government tells that, as the Crown Prince, he killed his family at a royal dinner on 1 June 2001, including his father King Birendra. The report also states that Dipendra was also mortally wounded by a self-inflicted gunshot to the side of the head. After the murder of his father, he officially became king for three days as he lingered in a coma before dying.

Dipendra received his early education at Budhanilkantha School, Kathmandu. He also studied at Eton College in England with Bear Grylls. After Eton, he attended Tribhuvan University in Nepal and later joined the Military Academy, Kharipati. He studied for his master's degree at Tribhuvan University and was a PhD student in the same University. He was known to have been skilled in karate. At one point he was badly injured for a week after being kicked in the groin by Bear Grylls during a karate training session.

Motive for Murder
Official reports state that Dipendra assassinated family members because of anger over a marriage dispute. Dipendra's choice of a bride was Devyani Rana, daughter of Pashupati SJB Rana a member of the Rana clan, against whom the Shah family of kings have a historic animosity. In recent times, though, Shah kings and princes have married almost exclusively members of the Rana family. The Rana clan had served as the hereditary prime ministers of Nepal until 1951 under the title 'Maharaja', and the two clans have a long history of inter-marriages.

Dipendra's uncle, Prince Gyanendra, is often accused of arranging the murder of all the competitors to the throne. He quickly issued an official statement claiming that the massacre had been the result of an automatic weapon accidentally misfiring. Gyanendra then appointed 2 men to investigate the massacre. According to this official account, Dipendra was denied his choice of a wife by his mother Aiswarya, and so he massacred his family in a much-publicised incident after indulging in a drinking binge. Among the dead were his father King Birendra, mother, brother, and sister. Dipendra survived comatose for three days, and was proclaimed King in his hospital bed. He died of his injuries on 4 June and was succeeded by Prince Gyanendra.

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